Designer, Researcher, and Technologist

TEDx Talk (2021)

TEDx Elkins High School: "Consuming, Writing, and Reasoning: A Playbook for Gen-Z Critical Thinking"

In the rapidly evolving landscape of information consumption, cultivating the art of critical thinking is indispensable, especially for the emerging generation known as Gen-Z. In my TEDx talk, titled "Consuming, Writing, and Reasoning: A Playbook for Gen-Z Critical Thinking," I delved into the vital role of information processing and the intricate relationship between writing and thinking. In this talk, we shed light on the strategies I shared to empower individuals to develop their unique perspectives on a wide range of topics.

Critical thinking begins with the act of consumption, specifically keeping a watchful eye on the ever-churning news cycle. In an era characterized by a constant influx of information, it is imperative for individuals to be active participants in curating their sources. As I emphasized in my talk, one must be discerning in choosing what to consume, focusing on reputable sources and diverse viewpoints to foster a well-rounded understanding.

Understanding the news cycle is the next pivotal step in the journey towards critical thinking. It involves not only absorbing information but also grasping the context, biases, and motivations behind each news item. This level of awareness allows individuals to decipher the underlying narratives and agendas, ultimately leading to a more informed and analytical perspective.

The heart of my talk lies in the idea that writing serves as an extended and tactile form of thinking. Writing transforms the abstract concepts floating in one's mind into tangible expressions on paper (or screens). By putting thoughts into words, we crystallize and externalize our ideas, allowing us to scrutinize and refine them. Writing is, in essence, a mirror that reflects our inner musings, offering us the opportunity to observe, question, and evolve our beliefs. 

To foster the process of critical thinking, I presented a seven-step playbook. It begins with the observation of the news cycle, moves on to understanding it, and then encourages the insertion of fresh ideas. This iterative process involves evaluating the effectiveness of these ideas and iteratively editing and refining them. The culmination of this journey is the creation of a new world—a world built upon the unique perspectives and well-reasoned ideas that have been carefully developed and nurtured.

1. Watch the News Cycle: The initial step involves staying informed by actively following the news cycle. This is the foundation upon which critical thinking is built, as awareness of current events forms the basis for generating informed opinions.

2. Understand the News Cycle: Merely watching the news is insufficient. Understanding the nuances, biases, and agendas that often underlie media reporting is essential. It is here that critical consumers begin to distinguish fact from opinion.

3. Insert New Ideas: Armed with an understanding of the news cycle, the next step is to inject one's own ideas into the discourse. This involves offering fresh perspectives, solutions, or questions that can add depth to the conversation.

4. See What Works: As a critical thinker, one must assess the impact and reception of their ideas. Which ideas resonate with others, and why? This iterative process helps refine and evolve one's thinking.

5. Edit the Idea: Building on feedback and insights from the previous step, it's crucial to edit and refine your ideas. This step encourages introspection and the ability to adapt and improve one's thought processes.

6. Insert New Ideas (Again): As thinking evolves, one should continue to introduce new ideas and concepts into the discourse. This cyclical process keeps critical thinking fresh and dynamic.

7. Live in Your New World: The ultimate goal is to inhabit a world of thought and action that reflects your unique perspective. Critical thinkers actively engage in discussions, debates, and initiatives to shape the world around them according to their evolving ideas.

In a world flooded with information, the ability to think critically, write effectively, and reason intelligently becomes paramount. My TEDx talk, "Consuming, Writing, and Reasoning: A Playbook for Gen-Z Critical Thinking," underscores the significance of these skills. It equips individuals with a structured approach to navigate the information deluge, ultimately empowering them to contribute meaningfully to the discourse and to shape their own worldview. By following the playbook, one can embark on a journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth, culminating in a richer understanding of the world and a stronger voice within it.